Lower Key Stage 2
Narrative -traditional tales
cross curriculuar links
Prediction and story structure
More complex narrative - multiple settings
More complex characters and charcter perspectives
Complex narrative - multiple settings and flashbacks
Complex characters developed over time
Historical links
Complex narrative - multiple settings and shitfts in time
Historical links
Complex entnce structures and unfmailiiar language
More complex narrative structure - shifts in setting
More complex themes
Figurative descriptive langauge
Strong environmnetal themes
Figurtaive langauge
Challenging figurative and descriptive language
Links to novels
Simple plot structures
Short accessibale narratives
Traditional fairy tales
Moral purpose
Links to fairy tales
Theme and motif
Simple plot structure
Complex visual imagary
Simple narrative structure
Links to fairy tales
Rpeated motifs/ visual imagery
Poweful poetic and figurative language
Links to fairy tales themes
Longer and more complex visual text
Different/ alternative versions of Fairy Tales
Complex visual imagery
Theme and motif
Authorial viewpoint
Challenging time specific langauge
Wordless narrative, ideal for story writing, descriptive writing or developing dialogue